“As a young social worker in the daunting world of residential work with adolescents, I was blessed to have Walter Sherburne as the Clinical Director consulting with my program. I would sit in weekly clinical team meetings and listen in awe as Walter could get to the center of any case presented and bring the team together at the end with a strength-based plan that everyone was excited to put in action. My work with Walter quickly solidified my desire to obtain my MSW, and I will forever be grateful that he agreed to be my field placement supervisor.
Our time spent in weekly supervision was a journey that transformed me into the social worker I am sixteen years later. In the most difficult cases I have faced since our time together, I always think, ‘How would Walter handle this?’ or ‘What would Walter think about this case?’ Supervision with Walter was the best experiential class I ever had.
Through story-telling, case examples, pushing me outside my comfort zone, and always the most supportive guidance, Walter made me a confident and highly trained social worker. I continue to supervise interns today to pay forward some of the knowledge my mentor gave to me. I most highly recommend Walter Sherburne as a clinical supervisor. He is the only person I would call today for advice on any case I need consultation on.”
“Recognizing the reciprocal nature of the therapeutic relationship, Walter is both student and teacher; an astute listener and competent guide.”
“Walter is a man measured by character, not by circumstances. He has this ‘magic ability’ to help individuals and organizations alike enhance their leadership skills. Walter models the behavior that turns an organization into a diversity-friendly environment. He is without question one of the nation’s very best!”